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PowerVision's DigitalVision architecture is the answer to an organization's ever demanding and increasing requirements to convert paper documents and to manage, track, file and retrieve valuable digital assets and electronic content.

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Updated 04/15/2004

GSA Awards PowerVision Federal Supply Schedule
GSA awarded Federal Supply Schedule contract to PowerVision. Contract number is GS-35F-0176P, effective 12/22/2003 thru 12/21/2008.
New Client - Envision This, Inc.
PowerVision has been proud to work with Envision This, Inc.- a rapidly growing software services company in Northern Virginia.
VA Awards Crystal Reports Contract to PowerVision
The U.S. Veteran's Administration (VA) awarded PowerVision a contract to develop Crystal Reports for its Health Eligibility Center.
PowerVision Delivers W&O Supply's MTR Management System
W&O Supply Company, a leading distributor of marine and industrial valves, headquartered in Jacksonville, Florida, delployed a document management system based on DigitalVision.

Updated: FAU Awards EDMS Contract to PowerVision
The Florida Atlantic University (FAU) of Boca Raton awarded an EDMS contract to PowerVision. The Student Health Services department of FAU will use a system based on DigitalVision 1.2 to electronically manage its immunization records.

DigitalVision 1.2 for Medical Records Management
A customized version of DigitalVision 1.2 specifically tailored to manage medical records is now available. DigitalVision 1.2 provides a complete EDMS solution for medical and academic community like Student Health Services to manage health records such as immunization records etc.

PowerVision releases DigitalVision 1.1
PowerVision's DigitalVision architecture is the answer to an organization's ever demanding and increasing requirements to convert paper documents and to manage, track, file and retrieve valuable digital assets and electronic content....(User id: demo, password: pvdemo to see our demo DigitalVision site)

PowerVision opens Chicago office
PowerVision is proud to announce the opening of its Chicago...(more)

Jumpstart Your Business Success
A Free Online Conference for new and growing businesses...(more)




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Last Updated: 01/09/2004  Copyright © 1999 - 2004 PowerVision Corporation.  All Rights Reserved.