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If You Put It on the Web, They Will Come


But will they be able to find what they need on your e-Business or e-Commerce web site, or will they get confused and leave—never to return?


- By Darrell Taylor. Reprinted with the permission of The Business Monthly.


The Distinction Between e-Business and e-Commerce

Let's define e-Business web sites as those that support traditional (or new) business processes that typically do not (but can) involve monetary transactions for example a web-based time tracking, project management or billing application.  They are unlike e-Commerce web sites, which generally support the buying and selling of goods or services to consumers—including business to business customers.

On the web, usability is critical.  Yet, the usability goals for an internal web-based e-Business application can be vastly different from those for an e-Commerce web site. An internal e-Business web site must efficiently present key information to support task performance; whereas, an e-Commerce web site should also be engaging, intuitive, and enticing.


Usability = Success

For an internal e-Business site, achieving performance goals relies on the successful integration of information technology with the end-users and their work environment.  As many companies have learned, implementing new web-based systems does not always improve overall performance.  In many cases, poor graphical user interfaces (GUIs) result in frustrated users, diminished performance, and increased training requirements.

Success depends upon applying sound design and usability principles, not on following trends merely aimed at producing "cool" screens. Eye-catching does not always mean effective, especially when it comes to designing serious business tools.  When improperly used, excessive visual appeal can be counterproductive, as users try to follow inconsistent navigation schemes or interpret vague visual cues.

Aesthetics are important, but they must be based upon solid design fundamentals.  Effective GUIs call no attention to themselves.  They present information clearly, as users need it.  This increased clarity improves efficiency and reduces the need for user training and support.


Usability Especially Critical to e-Commerce Sites

For an e-Commerce web site, usability is even more critical.  Users of these sites are not being paid to work with them, so they can leave at any time.  There are most likely hundreds of other sites that they could obtain similar "stuff" from.  Remember that the web is not customer oriented, it is customer dominated.

Just how critical is usability?  Average is not good enough.  Especially if you are a late entrant into the e-Commerce marketplace in your industry, your site must be at least as good as your strongest competitor's site—and preferably 50% better if you hope to capture their customers or reclaim yours.


Design Principles for Usable Sites

So how do you go about ensuring your internal e-Business or external e-Commerce site is usable?  There are a few key things to remember when designing a web site, regardless of the audience. 

Clearly identify the purpose of the site.  Is it fulfilling a new role, replacing an existing business process, or enhancing an existing process? Each of these requires different approaches.  Some can utilize the existing artifacts or knowledge used in the current process and some will require extensive analysis to understand the new environment.  The results will differ.  A web site cannot be all things to all people, so avoid overloading the site with too many options or features by targeting too many different users.

Know the end-users of the site.  While we all tend to think we know exactly what our employees or customers need, we need to realize that we are not the end-users.  Without fully understanding all the different types of users who will touch your site, you cannot effectively ensure it meets their needs.  The old adage that "if we don't satisfy our customer, someone else will," has never been more true than in today's e-Commerce world—and the customer doesn't even have to drive across town to shop elsewhere.

Analyze the specific tasks to be performed. In addition to identifying all tasks that the end-users can perform, you must also rank them in order of importance and frequency.  Focus on those that filter to the top of the list.  Ensure that each step or decision is clearly presented to avoid confusion or uncertainty, and that users know the consequences of every mouse click, as well as when the task or transaction is complete. Don't assume you know how your end-users will want to perform the tasks—ask them.  Generally, when users have input to the design of a site, they feel connected to it and are more willing to use it.

Align the look and feel with your company image.  Your company's image should come through in your site design.  If the site is supporting sales and marketing, it must align with the established look of other materials or catalogues.  The key is to make the customer or end-user feel at ease with the new technology as an extension of the brand that they know and trust.  Have your e-Business or e-Commerce web site professionally designed to ensure it doesn't look "home-made" or unprofessional.  If you are expecting an end-user to enter a credit card number, they should feel confident.



There are literally hundreds of other specific tips, guidelines and lessons learned (the hard way in some cases) that can improve and affect a web site's usability. If you put it on the web, they will come.  Ensure they find what need and most importantly, return.


For more information contact PowerVision Corporation by e-mail at info@powervision.com .


TRADEMARKS.  PowerVision and We Make IT Happen! are service marks of PowerVision Corporation.  Other product and company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.


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