Building Data-Centric n-Tier Enterprise Systems
A critical look at the pros and cons of building data-centric systems...
User Requirements in a Virtual Population
A case study co-authored by PowerVision's Elizabeth Hanst and
reprinted with permission from the most recent issue of the WebNet
Journal, this article explores the process of determining user
requirements for web-based resources. A case study of the requirements
gathering for the Down Syndrome Online Advocacy Group's web site
is presented... more
You Put It on the Web, They Will Come
But will they be able to find what they need on your e-business
or e-commerce web site, or will they get confused and leave —
never to return? On the web, usability is critical... more
Supply Chain Management
There may be no better predictor of continued and future success
for a manufacturing business than its ability to react to change.
In yesterday's world, the key was how big and strong you were.
In today's mercurial global marketplace, it's all about how agile
you are. Agility is the true differentiator between those
who will succeed and those who will fall short... more
Execution Systems
of company size, manufacturing is an extremely competitive industry.
To compete in today's global market, reliable data is essential
to manage the individual operations that comprise the manufacturing
process. Recently, process and manufacturing engineers have begun
exploring the notion of exploiting the wealth of data generated
and often discarded with each control cycle... more
Means Business
XML, the eXtensible Markup Language, is being touted as the
hottest Internet technology since Java. XML is a standard
for defining and sharing information (data) in a clean, platform-neutral
way. It allows organizations and groups to define custom markup
languages for specific tasks, such as supply-chain integration,
e-commerce, or travel... more
ActiveStore: Bringing 'best of breed' to foodservice technology
The ActiveStore initiative is a collaboration among hospitality
organizations, leading POS development firms, and Microsoft to provide
a standard, robust system framework for developing retail POS applications...more